

We can imagine that our products, assignments and clients have inspired you to write and publish about them. Sometimes we experience that journalists come to us for information about a certain wedding or event, of which we are supplier of chandeliers. This does not always happen with a positive reason. Therefor we will publish our policy regarding press communication.

Our policy is that we will publish a press release as soon as this is needed. In response to this you will be able to ask us any questions. Mainly we work for famous persons, and we do not give any information about clients and assignments. If available, we will publish pictures of an event where our chandeliers were used, without revealing the client, unless the client prefers to be mentioned.
Pictures as shown on our website(s) and social media represent only a fraction of our portfolio. The use of pictures and texts must always happen in consultation with us, as written in our disclaimer. Besides our privacy regarding our clients, we also have a non-disclosure agreement (NDA) with most of them.
If you would just like to write a nice article about our products, contact us at info@chandelierrental.com or call +31246779322.

Open chat
For prices please send:
- Your company name
- Date event
- Address event
- Delivery date
- Which model and how many pieces
We are also happy to help you via info@chandelierrental.com
Thank you,
Team ChandelierRental