
Chandeliers for Tap-1 in Kopenhagen

Chandeliers for Tap-1 in Kopenhagen

In the grounds of the Carlsberg Brewery in Denmark there is TAP 1 a location for functions, exhibitions, and events.
We installed 12 Type-3 chandeliers along with 8 Type MT01Z chandeliers used in the entrance area.
Our client made use of our “right on time” delivery service for this assignment. One of our transport units ensured that the chandeliers were punctually delivered to the location. Our professional team that accompanied the chandeliers saw to it that installation and removal was carried out safely and competently.
If you would like more information about renting chandeliers please call +3124-677 9322.

Michel van Dolderen

I am Michel van Dolderen. Since 2006, I have been responsible for all content for Chandelier Rental. I regularly write articles that are interesting for the wedding and event market. Our company is a trendsetter in renting out luxury chandeliers. I translate this into online content. I write about new trends and a lot about events where our chandeliers have been used. It's nice to write content for this company. My news articles are always inspired by our team.

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Team ChandelierRental